This site is a scrapbook

This picture shows my view of the audiance at the opening of the 7/4/2022 gig. You only see 7 band members in the picture above, but can see all 14 members in the videos below and find pictures and links to other bands and videos on the Bands page.

This scrapbook is of my family, friends and bands. I started this site in the late 90's as a way to visually keep my relatives in Northern Califorina updated on my Southern California life. Facebook started in 2006, years after I found this format that I like better than Facebook. As an added bonus building this this site helped me learn html, php and javascript.

  • My Facebook page only contains posts from The Convertibles Band
  • The Instagram link is to a account I created for The Convertibles Band

I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.